my uncle bought us a lovely tiny tiny rabbitt, but mom kicked her out ='(
till finallyyy my younger sis convinced mom to get rabbits
eventually she got rid of them teeheee
A mircle happened,daddy brought a cat & mama didn't mind that !
but ehh .. it was the ugliest cat i've ever seen >_<
I started looking 4 cute kitties 2 buy , & wow it's really hard 2 find cute ones
I know she wasn't that beautiful .. but i fell in love with her , unfortunatly she was sick .. had bugs , or whatevr it was .. so i took her back to the shop , & didn't even get my money back !!!!
an' yeah i paid 800 !! from my own mokafa2a =S
My Sweetheart ♥ .. TEYYA #2
aah the most adorable litty in whole world .. she used 2 stand by my bed & start sayying " meow meow " lol .. so that i'd pick her & put her on my lap & that's the only she goes 2 sleep
she loves being cuddled, & she loved ME .. me & me only hehe .. she didn't like any1 else
she got sick ='''''( .. & passed away ...
And Now .. TEYYA #3 .. lol
awww .. don't u feel like u wanna kiss that lovely pinky nose
she loves 2 lay on her back ... waiting 4 some1 to pet her ^_^
and surpriiiiiiiiiise .. it's been over 2 months now .. & she's still aliiiiiiiiiiive woohooo =D =D
that's all 4 now lol
& as my mom says , hopefully i'll hate having pets when i have kids of my own XD