why Disney ?! .. why

Sunday, July 27, 2008

cinderella ... some stupid maid who was saved by a prince

rapunzel ... a witch's daughter, also saved by a prince

pocahontas ... ugly indian, and lucky her a cool guy fell in love with her

snowhite ... !$@ T%$! saved by a prince !!!!

seeee, my point is .. why is the girl the abused, ugly, stupid character in the story ?! and that singing cute prince is the one who does the saving hehe .. they are underestimating us !!!
and it's offending to us girls .. so,, I demand disney ppl to make a movie where the girl is saving the guy .... ughhh that's what happens in real life a9lan

women & marriage !~

Friday, July 18, 2008

so i was discusing this with a friend .. they say " women, can't live with them .. can't live without 'em ! " .. all that talk of women being hard to deal with ... which i strongly agree with

i mean ,, me as a girl .. i've grown alooot in the last two years, became i woman i guess hehe ... and started having these baaad baaaad real bad thoughts, i became evil .. not that innocent girl i used to be ... i believe every female is like that .. she can be bitchy .. if she wants to 6ab3an

poor men who have to keep up with us .. but surpisingly every man knows how to deal with his woman, .. it's like they're well disgned to ignore the lil silly anoyying things .. they know how to avoid problems !!! where women usually seek them .... seriously sob7an allah hehe

another thing is .... couples ... they say the wife is bad .. & no one can stand her, blah blah blah .... but u'll find that the husband is an asshole one way or another
like that pic .. ok she's a lil bossy .. but look at him !! a gun !!!! maaan they are perfect for each other

so this is the only way for married couples to live happily ever after

at the same time ... good caring ppl marry each other ..... what 's that sayying " el-6yoor 3ala ashkaleha ta8a3 " lol

.. anywaysss .. i know it's a silly post, haven't slept for more than a day ... it's like ekteshaft shay 5a6eeeeer that i kept sayying sob7an allah lol .. and my friend got pissed & left me XD

i'll read this when i wake up .. & see how ridiculus it is ... sweeet dreams to meeee

quirks !!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tagged by Pinkish ♥
the six quirks tag ;D .. umm ok

1.I LOVE 63m elsoap .. yes "SOAP" not soup .. everytime i wash my face & start licking the bar hehe, gosh it's so tasty .. & i know for sure that if i got pregnant i'll be one of those ladies who eat soap
& who ever says it's ewwy .. well, try it urself

2. i do a weird thing with my nose .. but since one of my aunts made fun of me when i was younger i stopped doing the thing in front of others

3. everyday i wake up to find my bed a total mess, with the sheets off, pillows on the floor & my back hurtssss :/ .. have no idea what exactly do i do during my sleep

4. umm .. i get really irriated when someone takes my belongings without asking 4 my permission .. mama says that it's selfish of me .. but come onnnn, they're miiine miine

5. i don't consider lunch being lucnh without orange juice & salad ...

6. in movies and series .. i fall for the bad guy, even if he's ugly i'd love him .. never liked the good ones ;D


Sisters are 4ever <3

Sunday, July 6, 2008

from my one & only sister, who's 12 years younger than me o_O

hehe, that "unshooda" is something they took at first grade, kent aderes'ha back then, & it's supposed 2 be omy instead of o5ty, so i changed to o5ty el-9o'3ra so that she can memorize it .. & now she changed it to o5ty el-kobra .. see how sweeeet she is !! *_*

haallaaalllooyaaaaa ;D

Thursday, July 3, 2008

so now after all our marks are out, i can say it's summerrr tiiime :D this is the first summer vacation -since i graduated from high school ya3ny- that i have NO STUDYING 2 do, yupppiiiee :">

i can't wait 2 get into that thing .. but they won't let me :'( .. baba says i might drown and no one would rescue me while they're all sleeping o_O

anyway, earlier today i was at this new shop "kika" where i saw a ba7rainy actress :D -umm i dunno know her name- and maaan she's much more beautiful in reality. this is the second time 4 me seeing a celebrity .. lol the first one was couple of years ago, we were at canada .. went to that place where there was music & bunch of girls dancing .. cameras , lights .. and woow there he was a hottt indian actor, i was really really i mean REALLY EXCITED .. started pointing and telling my brothers look look that's that hindi guy, but eh -_- they didn't even know him ... i was a huge fan of hindi movies back then

hmm ,, back to the summer talk, can't think of any plans but; working on that forex thing, learning photoshop, reading a book but i'm still looking for the right book, one with lots of picture XD , hmm what else, .. oh yeah making a fingers series with fatoony .. and no pinkish u're not in cuz u didn't liek the idea -_-

andddd finally finding the right husband for my cat :D .. omg talking about her, few days ago i caught her trying to eat a bug O_O .. yesss a bug !! .. i have no idea how did she manage to catch & kill it -cuz it flys- .. poor thing i yelled at her & she didn't want 2 come anywhere near me for few hours