so now after all our marks are out, i can say it's summerrr tiiime :D this is the first summer vacation -since i graduated from high school ya3ny- that i have NO STUDYING 2 do, yupppiiiee :">
i can't wait 2 get into that thing .. but they won't let me :'( .. baba says i might drown and no one would rescue me while they're all sleeping o_O
anyway, earlier today i was at this new shop "kika" where i saw a ba7rainy actress :D -umm i dunno know her name- and maaan she's much more beautiful in reality. this is the second time 4 me seeing a celebrity .. lol the first one was couple of years ago, we were at canada .. went to that place where there was music & bunch of girls dancing .. cameras , lights .. and woow there he was a hottt indian actor, i was really really i mean REALLY EXCITED .. started pointing and telling my brothers look look that's that hindi guy, but eh -_- they didn't even know him ... i was a huge fan of hindi movies back then
hmm ,, back to the summer talk, can't think of any plans but; working on that forex thing, learning photoshop, reading a book but i'm still looking for the right book, one with lots of picture XD , hmm what else, .. oh yeah making a fingers series with fatoony .. and no pinkish u're not in cuz u didn't liek the idea -_-
andddd finally finding the right husband for my cat :D .. omg talking about her, few days ago i caught her trying to eat a bug O_O .. yesss a bug !! .. i have no idea how did she manage to catch & kill it -cuz it flys- .. poor thing i yelled at her & she didn't want 2 come anywhere near me for few hours